Real Property Management Fidelis

Eliminating Pet Odors: A Guide for Rental Property Owners

Pet odors may have been left behind by your former tenant if they had pets. Renting out a smelly house can be difficult, particularly if your new tenants are allergic to pet odors or don’t own pets. Pet odors can be challenging to get rid of from a rental property, especially if the tenant has occupied the space for a long period or the pets have caused significant damage. The following advice from experts may be of assistance in restoring your property and get the pet odors out.

The Quick Science Behind Pet Odors

Pet odors are a prevalent issue in rental properties where animals are permitted. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are produced when bacteria in pet urine and feces decompose, leading to foul odors and illness. Use enzymatic cleaners and routinely clean hard surfaces, carpets, and upholstery to get rid of pet odors. In addition to diligent cleaning, it is critical to establish clear expectations for tenants regarding the prevention of pet odors.

Methods for Removing Pet Odors from Your Rental Property

To protect both people and pets, it’s critical to use pet-friendly cleaning products when cleaning various surfaces like carpets, upholstery, and hard surfaces. Additionally, regular cleaning and maintenance can aid in preventing pet odors from becoming problematic.

  • Enzymatic cleaners are the most effective method for eliminating pet odors due to the fact that they contain enzymes that degrade the odor-causing bacteria. Carpets, upholstery, and hard surfaces are all suitable for enzymatic cleaning. Pet feces and urine can also leave stains and discolorations that they can help remove. But compared to other cleaning supplies, they might be more costly.
  • Baking soda and vinegar pet odors can be eliminated with the use of natural cleaning agents. An effective natural deodorizer that can absorb smells is baking soda. Sprinkle baking soda over carpets and upholstery and after leaving it to soak in for several hours, vacuum it up. Use a spray bottle to combine vinegar and water to clean hard surfaces. Vinegar is a common natural disinfectant that works against both bacteria and viruses.
  • Activated charcoal helps get rid of pet odors naturally by absorbing them. To get rid of smells, scatter a few bowls of activated charcoal throughout the rental property. However, cleanup can be difficult and messy.
  • Air purifiers is effective at eliminating pet odors from the air. They function through the filtration of pet dander and other allergens. They are, nevertheless, costly and necessitate steady upkeep.

Keeping Your Rental Property Odor-Free

To keep rental properties odor-free, it’s essential to stop pet odors from developing in the first place. Prevent pet odors from becoming a problem through routine maintenance and cleaning. The following are suggestions for averting future pet odors:

  • Set clear expectations for tenants with pets. It’s crucial to be clear about expectations with pet-owning tenants so they know what’s expected of them in terms of maintaining the rental property odor-free and clean. This may involve mandating that they utilize odor control products like pee pads or consistently conduct post-pet cleanups outside after the pet defecates.
  • Regular cleaning and maintenance: By performing routine maintenance and cleaning, pet odors can be prevented from becoming problematic. As an example, to prevent the accumulation of pet odors, regularly clean carpets, upholstery, and hard surfaces. It is imperative to utilize cleaning agents that are safe for both people and animals.
  • Air purifiers: Pet smells in the air can be eliminated with the use of air purifiers. Its purpose is to remove allergens and pet dander. One potential measure to mitigate the occurrence of pet odors in communal spaces of the rental property is the installation of air purifiers.
  • Limit the number and size of animals: Rental units can minimize damage and odors by restricting the size and number of animals allowed. As a result, pet odors between tenants may be effectively eliminated.

Odors from pets can harm people’s health and lower the value of rental properties. Understanding pet odors and employing effective methods to eliminate them, such as enzymatic cleaners, baking soda and vinegar, activated charcoal, and air purifiers, can help landlords and property managers prevent these complications. Establishing clear expectations for tenants with pets, performing routine cleaning and maintenance, and limiting the number and size of animals in rental units are all essential measures in preventing pet odors. By carrying out these procedures, rental properties can maintain an appealing and odor-free appearance, which in turn attracts prospective tenants.

To begin enjoying the efficiency and peace of mind that come with working with a property management company that serves Lake Elmo and the surrounding area, get in touch with Real Property Management Fidelis right now. Contact us online or call us at 844-365-7368.