Real Property Management Fidelis

6 Organization Strategies for Your Home Office

No matter what your Eagan home office is used for, things are harder to get done if the area is messy and cluttered. Office organization can be a challenge when you have other tasks and responsibilities to do. Getting organized is akin to reclaiming your office space, and to help you do this, here are some of the top organizational strategies recommended by experts. Having an organizational system can help you be more productive in just a few hours in a week.

Set Up a System

Before you can clear off your desk (or even your desktop computer), you will need to have an area to put everything. That is why creating an organizational system is an important first step. Working with a lot of paper would mean you will need a system that includes things like an inbox, a file rack for open projects, file storage for completed work, a recycling bin, and so on. You can also come up with a way to organize files and documents on your computer, whether by date, alphabetically, chronologically, etc.

Invest in Storage

You will still be keeping at least a few important documents and papers in your office even if most of your work is online. Because of this, it is a good idea to invest in quality storage for your home office. A filing cabinet and some shelving are must-haves for any office. For additional storage, you can take advantage of the vertical space in your office. Vertical shelves are effective storage areas to keep your desk from getting crowded.

Go Digital

If you want to minimize paper in your office, you can scan things into digital files instead. There are software programs that allow easy conversion of printed documents, invoices, bills, and so on into digital files. A good quality scanner or all-in-one machine (printer, scanner, fax) will be a very helpful investment. You will also need a shredder to destroy any documents you don’t plan to keep.

Clear Away Clutter

One of the fastest ways to feel more organized in a hurry is to clear the clutter off your desk or other areas of your office. Anything unrelated to your current project must not be on your desk, including office equipment. Try creating a neatly organized area next to your desk and move items you don’t need easy access to into a different room or store it in a cabinet or boxes. It will be easier to focus on your work if your office is organized.

Re-think Your To-Do List

Another challenging matter for home offices is keeping track of schedules and deadlines. Pick a system to keep track of all the things you need to remember and do. This system could be as simple as a desktop planner, or an app on your computer or smartphone. Make sure that the format you choose for your daily-to-do list works for you, no matter what anyone else is doing.

Make Time for Organization

Once your home office has been organized, the next challenge is to keep it that way from day today. A good way to automate your organization is to schedule time for it weekly. Jot it down on your calendar like you would any other appointment or meeting. And then use that time to shred old papers, go through your inbox, or put away clutter. This is an easy way to maintain your home office to keep it ready for a productive work week.


Are you looking for an Eagan rental home with a dedicated home office? Or do you need a new place to support you in your career? If a new rental home is on your to-do list, Real Property Management Fidelis could help you cross it off. Check out our online listings for more information.